Saturday, February 19, 2011

Budget 2011. =)

So, the word is out -

Details of Budget 2011 can be found here.

I'm pleased because the poor are given financial assistance.

Although it does not benefit me, I am Happy that the leaders have not chosen to sweep the poor under the proverbial carpet.

Having had to fight tooth & nail for every ounce of financial aid to be handed to my students whilst I was in the ministry, I know that every cent counts. $100 may seem paltry to us but to a struggling family, it pays the electricity bill & conservancy charges.

I've seen what it is like to be without and it certainly ain't Picasso in the making. There are children who are delighted at receiving a pen, new exercise books, crayons and nondescript items that the average person takes for granted.

The Budget provides relief to a certain extent and I'm delighted that the needy are given a larger share of the pie this time round.

It is not perfect but Something is a better shade than Nothing.

With Something, we can fashion More Things.

One Thing at a time - This forments gradual Empathy for those who are languishing, a prime choice in place of Apathy.

Singapore, let me Believe in you again - in your systems, values & practices.

Let our Home not be mocked as a rich man's playground, for a toy is tossed aside after its novelty has waned.

The Budget for 2011 is a step in the right direction.

Thank you, leaders for lending a helping hand to those in need. When needs are dealt with, education will cease to be the sacrificial lamb at stake. That lays the foundation for true meritocracy.

A sprinkle of kindness and love is always appreciated.

On behalf of the children in needy homes, thank you. :)


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