Wanted : Me-Time

Paddling furiously, what is the purpose of working this hard?
I L-O-V-E what I do, but at what expense?
For every pupil that I take under my wing, I rake $800-$1400 and hence, it is easy to overload my schedule with numerous pupils.
I'm in high demand as there is a waiting list of anxious parents who would like me to teach their children. Word of mouth from previous pupils has ensured that this list has swelled over the years.
There is plenty in terms of moolah, but the opportunity to reap its benefits are few and far between, save for the school holidays.
Nary a minute is spared on myself as I race against Time.
Wednesdays are with Him while Sundays are for church and hanging out with V till evening beckons.
However, I'm in dire need of some Me-Time.
My spare change for some Me-Time is in the wee hours, when darkness cloaks and all is still.
The opportunity cost? Sleep.
I'm Tired, but not Jaded.
I love what I do.
I'm very good at what I do.
But the price I'm paying for fattened wads is intangible.
One day, it shall bite back with a vengeance.
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