Monday, May 14, 2012


I've a Secret.
And I'm too ashamed to tell anyone.
Nobody knows except God.

No, it's not about You.

And because of this,
I'd better be darn good in everything else that I do.

Gotta do this, gotta do that -

I have to prove to the naysayers that nothing gets me down;

I have to prove to people that I can do it;

I have to prove that I can over-compensate for that niggling hollow;

I have to prove

I don't know, do I?

Though deep down,
In the crevice,
A trickle slips between.

And I know,
that no matter how good I am,
no matter how hard I try,

This is a FACT and it will never change.

Why do you think Mich has become such? Why do you think Mich has seemingly adopted a very different persona from the time you first met her?

It's because she's trying her darnest Best to excel in everything,

While knowing jolly well that it amounts to Nothing.

That swagger, that arrogance, that boastfulness - they form the sceptre that contains the fragments of her ashen mien.

She smiles, she laughs, she giggles.

Then, she closes the doors,

And weeps.

The only person she would tell is....

Well, she's not quite sure if You're still there in the shadows.

Hold my hand, would You?

I could really, really do with a nudge from You.

Just be there, in stoic silence,

To help me trudge through my Lie Life.


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