Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Wonderful Christmas Surprise! =)

I'm astounded.

He'd booked a couple of places and I was spoilt for choice.

Nah. Been there, done that.
Besides, an impending gathering will probably be held there.

That was where he'd surprised me for my birthday celebration, so there goes the novelty factor.

The Cliff at Beaufort, Sentosa?
Great ambience aside, the food was absolutely heavenly. How else to wash down good food except with some rosé?

It was a tad pricey at $430 but it was well worth the gastronomical experience.

What counts is not the moolah shelled nor the posh structures.

It's the effort to surprise Mich yet again, barely a month after her birthday.

Mich has snapped out of her stupidity.

For now.

Merry Christmas.

Thank You, My Man. :))


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