
Not if, but when.
I'm so glad that I listened to my head,
Instead of my heart.
Dear You, why would I want to be Your dirty little secret,
When I can be His Princess?
I've never had to toss You behind the shadows, but You deemed it fit to conceal me.
You didn't want others to know of the times we'd spent together.
You didn't want it to be revealed.
Why would You need to do that if You have nothing to hide?
The answer is compelling.
I'd have appreciated it had You defined my role.
But you took flight, literally, after patronizing me not once, not twice, but thrice.
Dear You, I've spent 8 years on You.
I've shed more tears of agony than joy.
I've waited for the Dream that will never be.
It is time for me to wake up
And be His Princess in reality.
Pretty Lil Kitten is no more.
~ Meow ~
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