Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My BFF Is Returning From Sydney! =)

Sal's wedding transpired a decade after college.
Here we were in the bridal room as she changed into her evening gown.
If you were to peer closely, you'd see an image in the mirror.
The reflection is that of G's. 
A dear friend since college, G is the editor of The Sydney M0rning Hera|d

"Can't wait to see you."

With that, she headed for the airport.

A string of text messages between us left me in tears.

The years have not negated the friendship that was forged in Secondary 3.

Sal was an Australian and had chosen the grounds of Anglic@n High and Tem@sek Junior College (intentional misnomers to prevent trolling) to harvest her education.

Her time in Singapore was short but boy, were we as thick as thieves.

Incredibly similar in our speech, mannerisms and inclinations, laughter permeated our unbridled adolescence.

Such were those halcyon days of our youth.

My Best Friend is returning from Sydney.

I've missed her terribly.

Her time here will once again be fleeting (3 days) but it will suffice.

Finally, Sal.

Can't wait to see you too. =)


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