Friday, January 20, 2012

Excuse Me.

If only.

Only if.



I would.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wither Me.

I think I may be Sick.

There's bleeding and unusual circumstances.

Nobody knows of these, not even those who are closest to me.

If anything, I'll just wither and Die.

Life bears little meaning for me.

Dear God, cradle me in Your arms -

That's all that I need.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Troves in Droves.

Selfishness & Greed - how people are susceptible to such clutches.

The more one clamours, the less one gets.

Paddling furiously gets one nowhere if it is anchored in Greed.

Here's how to have your cake and eat it -

Be selfish & keep that Greed all to yourself.

I don't want any of it. Not at all.

The Vicious Circle.

Each time I'm a tad Happy or at peace with myself, this is quickly negated with subsequent wrenches.

Fingering the logbook of moods & events, this has been true since 2005.

It has culminated in a Fear of being Happy.

The higher I scale the wall of Happiness, the harder its accompanying fall.

It leaves me Flummoxed.

Perhaps there will be answers Tomorrow,

At the place where Joy & Sorrow dwell.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Waiting Game.

Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus? Donde esta Santa Claus? And the toys that he will leave. Mamacita, oh, where is Santa Claus? I look for him because it's Christmas Eve....

Oh, pardon me.

11 January 2012 beckons at the break of dawn.

Purchases from the USA have yet to arrive and its accompanying lull exerts anxiety on one's faculties.

A combined total of $500+ had been plonked in November 2011, with nary a trace thus far.

Soon, the bells will toll for the Lunar New Year - talk about spanning across the seasons!


Sunday, January 01, 2012

Taken for a a Cab.

This cab was plugged into the likes of jazz and its accompanying throes. It packed a wallop in the residue. Was it not apt? Verily so, I'm afraid.

Walk away, please go
Before you throw your life away,
A life that I could share for just a day.

We should have met,
Some years ago.
For your sake, I'd say,
Walk away-
Just go.

Walk away and live,
A life that's full.
With no regret,
Don't look back at me
Just try to forget.

Why build a dream that cannot come true?
So be strong, reach the stars now,
Walk away-
Walk on.

If I heard your voice,
I'd beg you to stay.
So don't say a word,
Just run, run away.

Goodbye my love,
My tears will fall now that you're gone.
I can't help but cry
But I must go on.

I'm sad that I,
After searching so long
Knew I loved you but told you
Walk away-
Walk on.

[ Pe+er Gran+ - Wa|k Away ]