Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Wind in the Pillows.

Pillow, check.
Tissue, check.

Now stuff that pillow over your mouth & proceed with your stifled cries.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wheeling & Reeling.

A line I'd picked up from a reel -

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Mich, 你要忍。




Sunday, May 20, 2012

Everything But.

It's 3am.

He tells me, "..and you're smart and talented and successful.."

A sad smile lingers as I reply, "But I'm not Happy. I'm not Happy at all."

Habitually So.

We are but creatures of habit.

Sweep, if you must;

Sweep it all under the carpet.

A Simple Conviction.

God made the tears, so that Man can release his pain.

God made the heavens, where there is sunshine and no rain.

God put me here, for a purposeful reason.

God will help me through every trial and stormy season.



Friday, May 18, 2012

Scent A Moniker

My Name?

You never quite knew it, did you?

Aside from the familial sinew, it registered drapes of an innoculated kind.

Farthest is the mind which plackets in tidy rows.

The Fleurette cusped thus its whiff

A Scent aplomb, however brief.

Say rum? Tis I? No, no. It is, but.

Startle the flounder and work the hare.

The fledgling betrays its signature smile.

Far be it told, for whom to know,

Tis I, not of the little child,

The moniker in nodes thus inked

Yours Sincerely, With Love,

Tis I, Mich-Ling.

February 2008.

Is He....You?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Calm <s>After</s> <s>Before</s> After The Storm

Come, lil boat,
Anchor thee here.
Wade closer still
In waters clear.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012





Monday, May 14, 2012


I've a Secret.
And I'm too ashamed to tell anyone.
Nobody knows except God.

No, it's not about You.

And because of this,
I'd better be darn good in everything else that I do.

Gotta do this, gotta do that -

I have to prove to the naysayers that nothing gets me down;

I have to prove to people that I can do it;

I have to prove that I can over-compensate for that niggling hollow;

I have to prove

I don't know, do I?

Though deep down,
In the crevice,
A trickle slips between.

And I know,
that no matter how good I am,
no matter how hard I try,

This is a FACT and it will never change.

Why do you think Mich has become such? Why do you think Mich has seemingly adopted a very different persona from the time you first met her?

It's because she's trying her darnest Best to excel in everything,

While knowing jolly well that it amounts to Nothing.

That swagger, that arrogance, that boastfulness - they form the sceptre that contains the fragments of her ashen mien.

She smiles, she laughs, she giggles.

Then, she closes the doors,

And weeps.

The only person she would tell is....

Well, she's not quite sure if You're still there in the shadows.

Hold my hand, would You?

I could really, really do with a nudge from You.

Just be there, in stoic silence,

To help me trudge through my Lie Life.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Today's the day. I ought to be Happy.

But I'm feeling a disturbance within.

Hollowed, emptied and spent emotionally.

Overwhelmed with anguish, I can only count on tears to ebb away the sorrow.

I would like to pack up one day & disappear to a land where nobody knows me, to start living the Life that I want, and not should have. Nobody to judge nor criticise ; no commitments to wrangle nor stifle me.

I must now dry my eyes and slink back into the reality otherwise known as My Life.

Monday, May 07, 2012


Me : ...Asking for the moon, I know.

Daniel : The moon today is biggest this year, you have it.


Sunday, May 06, 2012


Another night where the moon hangs in the sky;

I slip under the covers, thinking of You.

Not wishing; just thinking.


I gather these thoughts

And put them away in my memory closet.

My eyes draw to a close.

Hereafter, the subconscious takes over.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

I'm a Brat.....(the) wurst!

A good lil perk-me-up on a Saturday morning includes the following :
• veal bratwursts
• grilled prawns
• chilli turkey ham
• some whitemeal toast.

Now that's what I call s-u-p-p-e-r.

Yup, you read me right.

The aforementioned items were relished in the comfort of my home.

Good morning, everybody!
And now, goodnight! :)

Thursday, May 03, 2012


Did You?

I never thought that it could be.

May 2007 - did you?

Feb 2008 - was it?

Is He....You?

The Petulant Petals.

Some remain single for the rest of their lives.

Others fling themselves into the throes of work, seeking solace & redemption with tangible validation.

Like many along the sidewalk, I was of the mindset that such a demographic exists because of their own pedantic ways.

Ah, the folly of youth!