Friday, March 28, 2008

A Night with Del.

This is a lazy entry prior to the actual one - Had the longest, most honest talk with Del over some martinis after we'd caught a play staged by La Salle at the National Museum. It has been a long while since honest banter surfaced. This is why Del is my best-est-est guy friend. =)

Pictures and actual blog entry to be posted over the weekend.

Right now, it's time to get ready for work!

Updated 29 March 2008 (Sat)
Mich is going to be uber busy from Monday to Wednesday, with her days ending at 10.30pm. Thereafter, Mich will be away from Thursday to Tuesday (or Wednesday?), so the complete uploading of pics will have to wait till then! Meanwhile, here are three pictures to whet your appetite.

Del & his pseudo-Beng pose. A new haircut yet again!

The enchanting National Museum.
Working at the National Arts Council has its perks -
Tickets for the play staged by La Salle were priced at $20 each but we waltzed in without having to fork out a cent. =p

Mich & Del =)
Stay tuned for more Wednesday?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Picture of Pure Class.

Goal-scorer Ribery gets a helping hand from 100-cap Beckham

France 1 - 0 England
A first half penalty from Franck Ribery consigned England to a 1-0 defeat in Paris on Wednesday and brought about Fabio Capello's first defeat as England coach. The game, which will be best remembered as the occasion of David Beckham's 100th cap, was marked by few moments of class and despite the earnestness of those involved was ultimately uninspiring.
[ ]


最近幾天已經足夠. 我也不能再渴求什麼. =)

[ 最熟悉的陌生人 ]

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When Wishes Do Come True.

Christmas 2007 at Robertson Walk
Notice a particular unit in the background?)

X'mas 2007 @ Cugini's
Mich & Angelina celebrate almost every event together.

On Christmas Eve, Angelina looked wistfully at the penthouse located at Robertson Walk and lamented that she wished she could buy it one day. Little did we expect that this would be translated into reality!

She's now the proud owner of THAT penthouse at Robertson Walk.

Make a wish, anyone?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Life's A Beach.

The Lights, The Water, The Wind.
Mich was at the Beach tonight.
And she Loved every minute of it. =)

Birthday Surprise!

Dinner broke away from monotony from this surprise birthday celebration!

Till Death Do Us Part.

Couple's embrace survives 5,000 years
By Ariel David
The Associated Press

Rome - They died young and, by the looks of it, in love.

Two 5,000-year-old skeletons found locked in an embrace near the city where Shakespeare set the star- crossed tale "Romeo and Juliet" have sparked theories that the remains of a far more ancient love story have been found.

Archaeologists unearthed the skeletons dating back to the late Neolithic period outside Mantua, 25 miles south of Verona, the city of Shakespeare's story of doomed love.

Buried between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago, the prehistoric pair are believed to have been a man and a woman and are thought to have died young, because their teeth were found intact, said Elena Menotti, the archaeologist who led the dig.

"As far as we know, it's unique," Menotti told The Associated Press by telephone from Milan. "Double burials from the Neolithic are unheard of, and these are even hugging."

Archaeologists digging in the region have found some 30 burial sites, all single, as well as the remains of prosperous villages filled with artifacts made of flint, pottery and animal horns.

Although the Mantua pair strike an unusual and touching pose, archaeologists have found other prehistoric burials in which the dead hold hands or have other contact, said Luca Bondioli, an anthropologist at Rome's National Prehistoric and Ethnographic Museum.

Bondioli, who was not involved in the Mantua dig, said the find has "more of an emotional than a scientific value." But it does highlight how the relationship people have with each other and with death has not changed much from the period in which humanity first settled in villages, learning to farm the land and tame animals, he said.

"The Neolithic is a very formative period for our society," he said. "It was when the roots of our religious sentiment were formed."

Menotti said the burial was "a ritual, but we have to find out what it means."

Experts might never determine the exact nature of the pair's relationship, but Menotti said she had little doubt it was born of a deep sentiment.

"It was a very emotional discovery," she said. "From thousands of years ago we feel the strength of this love. Yes, we must call it love."

The couple's burial site was located Monday during construction work for a factory in the outskirts of Mantua. Alongside the couple, archaeologists found flint tools, including arrowheads and a knife, Menotti said.

Experts will now study the artifacts and the skeletons to determine the burial site's age and how old the two were when they died, she said. The finds will then go on display at Mantua's Archaeological Museum.

Establishing the cause of death could prove almost impossible, unless they were killed by a debilitating disease, a knife or something else that might have left marks on the bones, Menotti said.

The two bodies, which cuddle closely while facing each other on their sides, were probably buried at the same time, an indication of a possible sudden and tragic death, Bondioli said.

He said DNA testing could determine whether the two were related, "but that still leaves other hypotheses; the Romeo-and- Juliet possibility is just one of many."

Friday, March 21, 2008

Swarovski Toilet

Man's insatiable need for extravagance.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


If I keep really still and close my eyes,
Count from one to ten and play the game,
When I wake, amidst these lies,
Everything will remain the same.

And I will seek You behind these walls.
We'll laugh and play in sheets of rain.
As dusk beckons and darkness falls,
I'll close my eyes and count again.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Lesson learnt :
    Thou shalt not try to get by an entire week with scarcely 3 hours of sleep per day.
Result :
  • Fever marathon (4th day)
  • Runny nose (4th day)
  • Migraine (2nd day)
  • A singular blocked nostril
  • Sore throat
  • Cough with thick phlegm
  • The croaking of a frog.

For some reason, the listing of my illnesses shades into our first call.

Mich is more than just sick. She needs Therapy Eradication. Pronto.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sm*ggling H*bs

In a previous entry, APRIL's Fools, it was mentioned that PaperOne is owned by Asia Pacific Resource Holdings Ltd (APRIL), whose pulp mill in the Sumatran province of Riau, is the biggest in the world and that APRIL, which has borrowed heavily from western banks to finance its operations, is based in Singapore.

Updated Today :

As far as this map from the United Nations Environment Programme /GRID-Arendal website shows, routes for exports of illegally logged ramin timber in Indonesia are clearly illustrated. Blatant conclusions can be drawn with credence lent to the fact that it was published in 2007.

From the UNEP/GRID-Arendal page:
Ramin, Gonystylus sp., is a group of tropical hardwood species in South East Asia, listed as vulnerable on the IUCN red list, and the trade of the timber is regulated under CITES. Illegal logging of these species is common in Indonesia, even in protected areas. The timber is transported to sawmills in Indonesia and Malaysia and further exported to destinations in Asia, North America, Europe and elsewhere. Final market prices might amount to as high as USD 1000 per cubic metre.

To Wit.

There once were two cats of Kilkenny
Each thought there was one cat too many
So they fought and they fit,
And they scratched and they bit
Till excepting their nails
And the tips of their tails
Instead of two cats, there weren't any.

-- An Old Irish Limerick

Musings on User-Generated Content

An excerpt from Newsweek
Revenge of the Experts (link)

The timing could be right for a new era in Silicon Valley, a Web 3.0.

For curated Internet fare to flourish it also needs to overcome a national distrust of experts that is, in fact, older than the country itself.

In 1642, the Puritan John Cotton warned that "the more learned and witty you bee, the more fit for Satan you bee," while in the 19th century, Andrew Jackson and his followers ridiculed learned culture as an affront to the common man.

In more recent years the ideal of the noble amateur has been bent to include a general disdain for the professional writer, editor or journalist.

But while the tide of investment seems to be shifting somewhat, the nature of the Internet suggests that Web 2.0 populism will never be thrown out entirely.

"There's always a Big New Thing, but the old Big New Thing doesn't really go away," says Reynolds. "It becomes just another layer—like we're building an onion from the inside out."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

APRIL's Fools.

Think before you toss that seemingly nondescript piece of paper.

Forests are shrinking at an alarming rate. In Indonesia, this is attributed to the prevalence of illegal logging. As much as 70% of Indonesia's logging is illegal and may have consequences for the whole world, including droughts in Australia. El-Nino is critically determined in Indonesia, precipitating the warming up of the Pacific, worldwide atmospheric changes and disruptions of rainfall with deforestation.

"Timber Mafia", a video clip on YouTube (embedding has been disabled), reinforces the consequences of deforestation and points to a key political figure, Abdul Rashid who is believed to siphon 600 000 square kilometres of wood from the National Park annexed in his area of influence on a monthly basis. Stories of violence, aggression and the loss of lives remain abound.

The spotlight shifts to PaperOne, a premium brand of paper that Mich has been using for many years. On its website, PaperOne claims that its paper is not derived from illegal logging sources.

However, PaperOne, owned by Asia Pacific Resource Holdings Ltd (APRIL), is currently facing accusations of human rights violation. This report states that APRIL, whose pulp mill in the Sumatran province of Riau, is the biggest in the world.

What is interesting (or rather, startling) is this revelation - APRIL, which has borrowed heavily from western banks to finance its operations, is based in Singapore. [ Hmmm..... ]

Additionally, APRIL has admitted that it will be destroying at least another 140,000 hectares of rainforest over the next six years. The company has also been involved in a number of high profile land disputes with indigenous peoples.

Ed Matthew, Corporates Campaigner at Friends of the Earth, remarked, “The forests of Indonesia are under unprecedented attack and APRIL is clearing one of the last remaining area of unprotected rainforest left in Sumatra. We call on the global paper industry to take immediate action to stop trading with APRIL. If paper merchants continue to buy APRIL’s PaperOne paper, they will be supporting the destruction of some of the most wildlife rich forest left on earth.”

Let us not be April's Fools, shall we?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

And yet, another addressed to You.

Some things are not forgotten easily, regardless of how hard you try.

It is not a matter of will nor resolute.

A random link, a flash in the mind, a trigger is all it takes to ignite thoughts.

Admittedly, I am angry. The moral ground does not erode the fact that I am indeed angry, bitter, disappointed, ___________ ( fill in the blank with an appropriate adjective.)

You have become synonymous with my near-ruin, my pain and everything negative but.

Yes, I should have told You. It was my fault for keeping mum till there was no turning back. I accept responsibility for that.

What could I have done? I waited for a word, an affirmation. I would have. But nary did an inch move. Besides, given the stance adopted, brushing aside and denial would have been the answer, anyway.

Was it?

Friends I've lost trying to guard this, in Your name, for me to bear the brunt for your peace from the beginning. Did You think it was an easy task?

They said You did. I was afraid to face up to it and so, denial became a familiar shroud because I wouldn't believe that of all, it would be me. Feeling that I wasn't good enough, I fought hard not to.

Yet, with each word, smile and message, resolution crumbled in a heap. Were You anything but? Waking up daily in anticipation of sweet words concocted while I was asleep became a habit, a growing dependence. Etched in my mind was a childhood figure - of flamboyance, of awe, of inspiration.

Breathing colours of life into my existence, this figure came, sat down and forged its permanence. Much time was frittered, cajoled from pressing schedules and such.

Culminating to a climax of theatrical proportions, I started to believe. And so, there lay the foundation of an entrapment that would tangle and choke in artifice.

Finally, after what You did, I decided that it was Time. The Exchange at The Wall was the approving nod, wasn't it? Clever little Mich didn't quite turn out to be that intelligent after all for as words lingered at the tip of my tongue, everything shattered with That.

And so, I've never told You.

When things ought to have been thrashed there and then, I turned and fled. Embroiled with anger, disappointment and bitterness, perhaps it was to mask the acknowledgement that I had been foolish. The price to pay was appropriate for weaving conjured dreams.

At times, I would wonder if you had even noticed my abrupt turnabout. With Time, I watched with growing envy, repressing emotions that surfaced. Vested interests reaped a reward of negligible returns. Of honour and valour, virtues oft preached, they were but my poor excuses for bowing out.

"I should have fought him, but instead I let him take it."

There was I, wretched to have failed as the righteous Christian that I was once proud to be. It was the single blemish in my spiritual life. Many a time, I'd demand to know that if I had done the right thing, was this spiralling into depression my blessing in return? Was this constant stumbling over You a paid compliment? And so, I started avoiding the core existence of my being - Church. Concocted excuses became a weekly routine.

Where once Mich had a happy life, the embroilment bogged and it became weary to live the facade. Should judgement and castigation even whimper, it would have been deemed unacceptable for I sought perfection. Thus, the silent pantomime of my own became a way to live.

Why should I have to be unhappy? The Man loves Mich dearly. Why should my mind flit to the old remnants, replaying reels of Time that are fraught with nought?

To this date, Your name has not been uttered within this literary perimeter. The moniker does not matter for You would know that You are, well, you. What I speak of is mere gibberish to the ignorant but You would understand.

For You have always understood Mich, haven't You?

And I, till this day, have little inkling of Your true identity. Are You what I'd perceived? Were You conceived out of mere fantasy? Why do I constantly receive feedback that you're a Master of manipulation? Why do coincidences run aground between us? Little can be done about the Past and I am not one to rock the boat of the Present.

Do You? Did You? Have You? Were You?

Does it matter anymore?

It gnaws at me, this need to set things right.

To know the Past. To set apart the Present. To live the Future.

Then again, You're not here.

Till the next time, I guess, Mr Faraway.

When will my Reflection show who I am inside?

婚礼 Wedding

词曲: 蓝智峰

(女)那教堂钟声太微弱 却敲痛心中的伤口
(Female) The bells chime gently, masking the throbbing pain within.
台上庄严典礼 纪念我输得彻底
A solemn ceremony cements my loss.
(男)他揭开你面纱时候 一枚戒指将你紧扣
(Male) As he lifts your veil, a ring seals your fate.
The following applause drowns my soul.

(Female) With this facade, I smile and shake your hand.
(男) 祝福你们的生活
(Male) Wishing you eternal bliss
(合)怎却 那泪莫名地流
(All) Yet, why do these tears fall?

(男)你洁白的婚礼 你多么的美丽 台下我的独角戏
(Male) A wedding pure, your beauty transcends the pantomime of my own.
(女)走进院子里 昨天的回忆
(Female) Steps retracing sands of Yesterday.
(All) With time, these will wilt like flowers do.
(Male) Your solemn wedding
(Female) My lead role in this tragedy
(All) Culminating in finality.

(女)教堂的钟声 梦已破碎
(Female) Dreams are shattered as the bells chime.
(All) Amidst polite pleasantries, do the leaves scatter in the wind.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Cut -

- would solve it all.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

That's When I Love You.

When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
That's when I love you
I love you, just that way

To hear you stumble when you speak
Or see you walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love you, endlessly

And when you're mad coz you lost a game
Forget I'm waiting in the rain
Baby I love you,
I love you anyway

Here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
That's when I love you
When nothing you do can change my mind

The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you,
When I love you, no matter what

So when you turn to hide your eyes
Coz the movie, it made you cry
That's when I love you
I love you a little more each time

And when you can't quite match your clothes
Or when you laugh at your own jokes
That's when I love you
I love you, more than you'll know

And when you forget that we had a date
Or that look that you give when you show up late
Baby I love you, I love you anyway

Here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
That's when I love you
When nothing you do can change my mind

The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you,
When I love you no matter what

That's when I love you
When nothing baby
Nothing you do could change my mind

The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you,
When I love you no matter what.

[ Aslyn - That's When I Love You ]

But, You walked away.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Kelsey Shelton-Briggs

Kelsey Shelton-Briggs
28 December 2002 - 11 October 2005

Lennard shared this video on Kelsey Shelton-Briggs today. Watching it left me wrought with emotion.

Child abuse should never be condoned. Kelsey was the victim of such who died needlessly at the hands of an abusive stepfather, a neglectful mother, and a court system that failed her miserably. Conversely, the US-Observer Oklahoma reveals that her biological father was not quite the war hero as depicted. By contrast, he was in fact, a violent physical abuser with a series of assault charges and Kelsey's Purpose was but the work of her paternal grandmother to wreck revenge on her former daughter-in-law and manipulate the subsequent media exposure to her advantage.

Kelsey was unfortunate to be caught in this entanglement. She was a bright, spritely child with such zest as seen in the video. Towards the end, the spark was replaced with a sad glaze in her eyes. It was this that left me in tears. How do you snuff out the life of such an adorable and bubbly child? My heart aches for this random child was but a stranger. How could her own flesh and blood watch as she withered?

We will never know.

Friday, March 07, 2008

I Did What I Did For You.

Hello, You.

How have You been? Do You remember me? When things ought to have been thrashed, Mich turned tail and fled. It has been a difficult time for Mich to watch and not utter.

With time, will this ebb?

I don't know.

Do You?

Celine Dion - I Love You, Goodbye

Wish I could be the one
The one who could give you love
The kind of love you really need

Wish I could say to you
That I'll always stay with you
But baby, that's not me
You need someone willing to give their heart and soul to you
Promise you forever, baby, that's something I can't do

Oh I could say that I'll be all you need
But that would be a lie
I know I'd only hurt you
I know I'd only make you cry
I'm not the one you're needing
I love you, goodbye

I hope someday you can
Find some way to understand
I'm only doing this for you
I don't really want to go

But deep in my heart I know
This is the kindest thing to do
You'll find someone who'll be the one that I could never be
Who'll give you something better
Than the love you'll find with me

Oh I could say that I'll be all you need
But that would be a crime
I know I'd only hurt you
I know I'd only make you cry
I'm not the one you're needing
I love you, goodbye

Leaving someone when you love someone
Is the hardest thing to do
When you love someone as much as I love you

Oh I don't want to leave you
Baby, it tears me up inside
But I'll never be the one you're needing
I love you, goodbye

Baby, it's never going to work out
I love you, goodbye

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


A confidante since 1998, Leon has been but one of the few I allow into my sphere (not forgetting Leion too! The two are not to be confused with. Heh.) As such, Leon approached me with a business proposition that left me gaping. With his amassed fortune, I'm reluctant to be a partner as quite apparently, I cannot afford to lose his (nor his family's) money. [ The guy thinks nothing of losing a few million. ]

Inevitably, friendships would turn awry should financial losses be incurred. A round of Russian roulette, if you would please.

Yet, it's a business that taps on Mich's expertise and talent.

What should Mich do?

Monday, March 03, 2008

In Moments Like This.

As I was typing away nonchalantly, a small voice spoke to me within,
"My child, I love you very much. Do not run away from me."

For the first time in my life, I'd heard this voice and I was initially startled.

And I know.

The unhealed hurts and the unmet needs so often preached about;
The irony of the situation;
The abrupt transience that shambled;
The bitterness that has taken root and flourished;

It has been years and this unhappiness dwells because of the Unknown. The Unknown speaks not the Truth, and the Truth upon which the Untold was based, awaits the Spoken. But Time steals away at the Spoken, robs it of its voice and silences it to a quiet lull, occasionally with a spurt or two, unprecedented. Renewing hope upon its wave to the rock that snares.

And again.
And again.

This trial will run its due course.

Perhaps it is time for a change.
To forget a childhood forged.
To forget -

"Call me deeper into Your name. The river that flows from the Holy place. Wash over me, cleansing me through.
My greatest love is You."

God's Blessings.

In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I called. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry came to his ears.

2 Samuel 22:7

Without revealing the circumstances, the worry that Mich has been festering over the week has been dispelled.

Mich is very grateful and thankful for God's blessings upon her in every little or big way.

Happiness! =)

Like A Fairy Tale Come True, ....

Cinderella.....ripped her shoe ?!

Badly in need of retail therapy, Vern & I frittered our precious Sunday away at Vivocity. In an unfortunate twist of events, my relatively new shoe gave way and the leather strap (Yes, leather. Don't even ask.) ripped apart in wondrous splendour known only to itself.

So there was I, piteous being with a straggly shoe, having to limp all the way to the nearest shoe store to get myself a replacement pair. Unwarranted expenditure aside, what a way to begin the day! Mich crossed her fingers and wished Murphy away.

Fortunately, nothing else went awry, save for a very rude lady at Lver. ( Aside : Mich would like to tell Her Royal Crassness that you aren't the only customer in the queue who's waiting. Quit commenting aloud to nobody in particular. Either you wait or you leave. Simple, isn't it? If you're irritated with having to wait, the queue just had an additional reason to feel annoyed - You. )

In Mich's basket of 4 purchased items were a pair of Lver shorts, Esprit Capris, GG5 blouse and oh well, that pair of replacement shoes. Most of Mich's purchases were on discount ( Finally, inflation minimized!) but the items totalled to almost $200 anyway. Sigh.

Lunch was at Asian Kitchen where the Xiao Long Bao was comparable to Crystal Jade's and Mich foolishly ordered Fried Rice at $12. I know, who on earth eats fried rice at a La Mian restaurant?

Well compensated for dinner was (finally) a decent serving of Ni Hotate Sashimi (scallops) at Sakae Sushi. For the uninitiated, being an avid lover of scallops means that Mich dines at Sakae Sushi at least once a week. Over the last two months, the change in menu had resulted in inconsistency -- Harbourfront claimed the original serving size was 4 and insinuated that Mich was trying to cheat them out of 2 (what cheek!) , Bugis had Mich retching with its foul taste, Parkway Parade served Ni Hotate Sushi instead, Wheelock Place served 4 but the splendidly polite manager reverted to 6 after clarification with the kitchen -- So, yes, Mich was relieved to be served a plate of 6 tangy scallops.

What about You?

What adventures do You speak of pertaining to this particular Sunday?

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Knowing otherwise.

Whispers -
They dwell.

Uploaded - Valentine's Day @ Aquamarine

Valentine's Day @ Aquamarine
14 February 2008 (Thursday)

In an earlier entry,
Mich promised to upload pictures taken on Valentine's Day.
Well, here they are! =)