Monday, April 24, 2006

She Knows Not.

"In the dream dusk
We walked beside the lake
We watched the sky move sideways
And heard the evening break"
--Porcupine Tree, "The Sky Moves Sideways"

Once, Mich was significant.
Once, Mich mattered.
Once, you shared with Mich.
Mich knew.

That was then.

Now, Mich has ceased in significance.
Now, Mich has faded.
Now, you don't need Mich anymore.

Is this true?
Mich knows not.

Voila! A Birthday Celebration

12 April 2006 (Wednesday)
9.30pm - 2am

(Note: Mich had been awake since 5am and was deprived of sleep till 3am)

Mich & good pal, Angelina
The Boss
Angelina & her beau, Vincent
Kaixin reveals the cake
Ta Da!
Mango Mousse
Candle burning bright...I'll huff and puff and blow this candle out!
Can't wait to slice it.Mich & The Birthday Boy
Prim & ProperCrazy streaks starting to show...
The GalsAlson & The Gals
Angelina: Who ordered this pizza?! It's horrid!
Us: Alson!Kaixin & Rosie chickening outThe powerhouse department of a prominent international bank.Cheers to that!Alson was checking out the girl in pink all night long...
And her friend too...but us gals were ogling at local actor Chen Hanwei in the background instead.
It was the night when Alson was incessantly tortured.
Kaixin first delcares, "I will approach her on your behalf!"
Alson: Don't you dare to do it!
Kaixin: Try me!
Alson: I will spill your secrets!
Kaixin: ......Kaixin gamely splashes vodka onto Alson instead.
Alson: .....
Next, Alson teased Angelina.
Alson chuckles heartily but not to be outdone...
Angelina springs an attack with her shoe!
Alson: Help, Boss!
Angelina: Too bad, I am your boss!Alson antagonizes Angelina again. By golly, that's a knife in her hand!
Angelina & Rosie "nosing" around with AlsonAlson in anguish


Take a pebble. Toss it into the water. Its impact is maximised. Quickly, each ripple fans out in alignment within its designated concentric circle. The rippling effect is transient. All is still until the next pebble hits the water.

How many pebbles are there in your life?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Annual Sports Meet

Annual 5-School Combined Sports Meet
Bishan Sports Hall
21 April 2006 (Friday)

Competitors from the 5 schoolsJayne: Look at Kelvin! Act "seh"!Camera Zoom 12xThe only day out of 365 when you'll see Mich in sporty attire.
Elle top & Adidas visor was purchased just a day earlier. Mich, Angela, Jayne

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Elle n'a jamais dit son amour

Salvador Dali
Girl Standing At Window 1925

Six Canzonettas by Franz Josef Haydn (1732 - 1809)
based on Twelfth Night [II,iv] by Shakespeare

Elle n'a jamais dit son amour
Mais a laissé le secret, comme un ver, dans le bourgeon,
Se nourrir de sa joue de damas:
Elle a désiré ardemment dans la pensée,
et avec un vert et une mélancolie jaune
Assise, comme la Patience sur un monument,
Elle souriait à son affliction.
N'était pas cet amour en effet?

She never told her love,
But let concealment, like a worm in the bud,
Feed on her damask cheek:
She pined in thought,
And with a green and yellow melancholy
She sat like Patience on a monument,
Smiling at grief. Was not this love indeed?

Monday, April 17, 2006


Can I say what I want to say?
Can I do as I please?

Any answers?
Perhaps not.

And that's why Mich dwells on the frivolous here.
To distract herself from that which isn't.


I'm honoured to be the legal witness at Vern's pending marriage at the ROM. As such, I took Vern to Ritz Couture and being on good terms with the boss, a comprehensive package was bagged on Vern's behalf.
Since Vern and I are mad about green at the moment, this was a no-brainer. All that needs to be done is to shorten the length of the gown.

The rest of the day was spent on frittering cash away. At Mango, I bought 2 pairs of cropped shorts at $98 while Vern got hers at $50. That wasn't the only item we purchased together. In all, we had the same chiffon halters at Future State, white capris at Giordano, grey cropped shorts at Osmose and white sequinned singlets. Almost caving into temptation, I stopped myself from purchasing the $100 lingerie set that Vern and I have been lusting over for a month. I'll wait a week or two before bagging that. I'm crossing my fingers that it won't be sold out by then. From the latest range of Wacoal, it has a pretty green butterfly applique attached to the strap and the waisband of the g-string. Lovely!
Exhilarated from our shopping blitz. Being the vainpot that I am, this chain from B'Dazzled at Wisma Atria was put on immediately after its purchase. Originally priced at $129, it was now on sale. Vern too, changed into her white URS sandals upon purchase.
Spot Mich!
Voila, a match!
I'm the cow and Vern's the grass!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy 12 April!

Today's a hot date!

  1. Happy Birthday to my blog! - Yes, a year ago to this date, Mich started this blog.
  2. Happy Birthday to CZ - Celebrations in two hours' time.
  3. Happy Birthday to Uncle Thomas - A deacon at BB(FE)C, he's one of the uncles I have utmost respect for.
  4. Almost to this date a year ago was the day I got to know Daniel via his blog. -claps-
  5. The salaried civil servant receives his/her pay today!
  6. A Blessed Birthday to Kris - A freak accident occurred at the chalet which he had booked for his birthday celebrations. His face was burnt by the Flaming Waterfall. Doctors are uncertain about the extent of the damage till weeks later. By faith, I'm sure that God will heal him.
  7. A year and a half ago was the day I decided to terminate a choking friendship with the colleague who was once my best friend.

Does 12 April hold any significance for you?

Happy 12 April to all!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Course of UM (Understanding Mich)

Apparently, my mind must be constantly occupied with tiny little roadrunners scuttling on the cogwheels to prevent my existence from being snuffed out. I'm always thinking of this, of that, of these, of those, of argh. Sometimes, to derail my incessant train of thoughts, I'd have to forcibly change the direction of cognition.

"You think too much," someones (that's more than just one "someone") once said to me. Indeed I do. I like to dig, probe, pry and analyse every detail that throws itself in my face. I'm talking about circumstances surrounding my own little sphere. A stickler for privacy and a true-to-nature Scorpio being, I understand and respect others' need for their intrinsic serene state of mind. This can be attributed to my belief that if I'd wanted to tell you, you wouldn't need to have to pry it out of me. The topic in mention would naturally find its course into our conversation. Thus, the reverse must be true. Of course, at times, I may have a fountain of words at the tip of my tongue but I'm waiting for a catalystic question that would open the gates of communication. Yes, the pendulum swings with a dilemma-ridden oscillation and the two notions are contradictory. Well, I am a woman, aren't I? And you know what they say about women.

Malfunctioning in duality, my likes and dislikes lie on the extreme ends of the continuum. Equally eccentric is this - a master of concealing my innermost thoughts, I'm candid yet astonishingly able to keep mum on issues which are of utmost significance to me.

This is Mich.
Hear me roar.
(and whine and groan and shriek and....)

In Beng lingo : Wah, why you so like that one?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Buried or Burnt, You're Still Dead - Siva Choy

Absolutely love Siva Choy's gripes in his Sunday columns :

DURING my school days, cemeteries were very quiet and therefore ideal places to study for school exams.

The only interruption was the occasional passerby nodding to express his condolences, some idiot wanting to know if I was praying for 4-D numbers or a suspicious watchman accusing me of placing a Coke bottle on the angel's head.

I only dreaded the coming of the night because it was too dark to read anything.

Since then, I've watched the cemeteries disappear and all the people asleep under 'Rest In Peace' headstones being rehoused in multi-storey apartments called columbariums.

Some of these ex-people had their remains cremated and the ashes stored in urns in the homes of sentimental relatives.

(An absent-minded old uncle used such an urn as an ashtray and an absent-minded old auntie looking into it months later thought her dead relative had put on weight.)

Cremation seems the way to go for many folks but some countries, where religion demands burial, have worked out a timeshare scheme where the deceased gets a full burial but is dug up after a decent interval and cremated so that someone else can use his space.

The priests are okay with this economical arrangement, even if it subjects one family to two un-economical funerals.

I'm sure the people who bequeathed the land won't mind if their descendants make productive use of the graves too. Anyway, only the rich and powerful retain graves over centuries - or so we think.

Nobody knows where the remains of Zheng He, Alexander The Great, Mozart or Hang Tuah really are, except maybe tourism department marketing execs.

Some people are nervous about living in apartments built over graves but it would take a very powerful ghost to crawl out of a grave when there's a 16-storey HDB block sitting over his doorway.

I used to live next to an ancient gravesite and walked past the exposed tombstones late at night. The only people who got a scare were the ones I met in the shadows of the palm trees.

Someone who is drawing up his will (he's only 17 but plans far ahead and will probably become a successful minister planning national development or church minister planning funerals) asked my advice on which way he should go. I recommended a Viking funeral - plonking his corpse on a boat, setting the boat alight and setting it drift into the sunset with prayers that it wouldn't swing around and float into our East Coast beach.

I asked him to lighten up (oops!) and enjoy life while he can. I hope he does because it is a, well, grave matter.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Daliaunce - by Mich

Daliaunce by Mich

Of word and tongue and nothing more
The mind begets this sweet furore
Pelted pebbles weigh on this frame
A futile esteem sought to obtain.

Wrought with a coltish yoke of pain
Locked in wretched scharp disdain
Far from the crisme child's naked eye
A simulacrum quenchens by

To this adage, she sits and welts
Each drop from her icy shell it melts
Tangled wisps from flights of fancy
Opine a desire despitously.

The curtains drawn in broken asunder
A secret past and future yonder
Not one to divulge a mask to sneer
She frowns upon this pendulum queer

Seeking not the treasure of kings and men
A matter of time, not if , but when
Bodine in the boucherie
Prente upon a word to she.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Black Wednesday

Wednesdays are terrible. A tight schedule aside, there's always accompanying administrative work.
  • 7.30 to 9.30 am: Lessons
  • 9.30 to 10 am: Recess (read: time to get those pesky ones to complete their corrections and slipshod work.)
  • 10am to 11 am: Lessons
  • 11 am to 12pm: Assembly (read: there goes my free periods)
  • 12 pm to 12.30pm: Register for courses via the intranet
  • 12.30pm to 1.45pm: Contact Time + SEM meeting + liasing with Wendi on an integrated annual programme
  • 1.45pm to 2 pm: Wolfed down "mee pok" for lunch
  • 2 pm to 3 pm: Level meeting & jotting minutes
  • 3pm to 4.00pm: CCA
  • 4 pm to 4.45 pm: Assigned uniforms to CCA members
Finally, I could take a breather at 5pm after being on my feet for prolonged periods.

What Mich wore to work today (black depicts my mood of the day)
My pretty classroom
Yee Jia: Eh, we're the ladies in black!
That is not Mich's hand.Another lady jumps on the bandwagon: Mrs Ho (she was my DM when I was in primary school!)Karen, Mrs Ho, Liana, Yee Jia, Mich
Chorus: Whoopie! Time to knock off!