Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In Reticence.

It's sad to note how things at the former workplace has mapped out.

Once, there existed a culture of unity and happiness. Number One held a tight grip. She was strict but fair. Admonishment was meted out if anyone stepped out of line but praise was also lavished when warranted.

Everyone held her in high regard and respected her opinions.

Her word was The Law.

Likewise, Mich respected Number One. Number One also entrusted Mich, the rookie with a number of jaw-dropping tasks that one would have expected a more experienced colleague to shoulder.

Because of Number One, Mich's confidence grew and climaxed with two subsequent visits by the Permanent Secretary and the Minister, where Mich was the only representative chosen to showcase a lesson each time.

Number One taught Mich many lessons in life. Miss Chong, Mich thanks you for being the surrogate mother at work. =)

Thereafter, a new Number One entered the arena.

Mich watched with trepidation on Day One. She knew it would culminate to a horrible heap.

True enough.

Under the biased regiment of the current Number One, many former colleagues have since left the profession.

He has nurtured a culture of petty strife and politicking in order to avoid threat to his position. In his own words (someone actually has this on record), "I don't care because I won't be here in a few years".

The institution suffers.

The staff suffers.

The little ones suffer.

He is the sole reason why this particular institution has registered a record high number of people leaving the profession. In fact, The Body Of This Institution has expressed concern over this issue.

Number Two has been demoted, according to remnant sources.

Previously installed 'Acting' Heads have been eased to the desk of an average joe upon the maximisation of his potential and milked dry. Such individuals bear the brunt of being burdened with management roles for years (A.T. had been an Acting Head for 6 years before it fizzled out with a simple "Thanks for your service but the Body has appointed a formal Head." )

Hard work is never recognised under the new Number One. Mich's bone of contention? Picture this. The lazy sod who had maxed out his annual MCs received the same bonus as the struggling mother who slaved from morning to night at work.

Fair? I should think not.

Don't even let me get started on females.

Certain feline females had mastered the art of wailing, crying and screeching their heads off while slamming doors and files and what-have-yous.

Yes, and Number One had turned a blind eye despite witnessing these.

Why am I broaching on an era gone by?

Because I miss that job.

I miss the family culture we once had, the little ones, the pride and joy of influencing lives.

People who were once friends, are now backbiting enemies, all for the sake of a mere position, which really, has a salary that is a whisker of what one is able to achieve out of the circle.

Increasing administrative redundancy, ridiculous standards set by the Body and watching many little ones falling through the gap are not what Mich stands for.

You see, Mich loved her job.

She loved every bit of going to work with the little (and not-so-little) ones greeting her with huge smiles, of hugging the little ones when they were down, of instilling confidence in them and never to give up even in the face of adversity and strong challenges, never to resign oneself to fate, believing that they could achieve it all with hard work, etc.

Mich had familiar mantras, often chorused in class by the little ones.

"Do it well. Do it swell!"

"Laziness gets you to the land of Nowhere."

"You are what you believe you are."

"If you tell yourself you can, you will."

Mich does not regret leaving the profession for it zapped her passion.

What Mich misses are the Little Ones.

And that's why, she'll always be entering circles involving the Little Ones.

The grass is not only greener (and the moolah better),

But also, there is always, always

Happiness derived from a Little One's smile. =)

Monday, September 21, 2009

What Makes Your Heart Sing?

It's been quite some time since my heart sang a song.

Today, it trilled choral refrains.

Dear God, Thank You. =)

You, My Friend.

In my previous post, The Nightmare served to remind Mich of the soufflé that crumbled.

I no longer harbour the intense emotions of That Year.

The Past is Gone.

And Mich has let It go.

And You, though undeniably having anchored a significant spot in Mich's path, are someone Mich would like to keep as a Friend.

Yes, You are my Friend. =)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Meander of Her Trail Fell Away From The Figure.

She flinched, if only for a while.

A fracas settled on her features, blanching white on her mien. An otherwise latent myriad of questions sickled bewildered thoughts. The thick black cloud in her head was cleft and still. Quivering, the orifice of which words sprang forth was now muted from the faintest tremor of such a dramatic overture.

Before her stood The Nightmare that had transpired in 2007.

She knew not till This Day why things had turned out that way - The Incredible Letdown. The Nightmare. The Great Depression. The What-have-yous.

Recently, she found her way back to Happiness. Clawed, if you'd like. The Forgotten had been buried deep in the recesses of her consciousness.

This figure all but ignited the encapsulation of That Time, for which Misery had no simile.

Their eyes met. Furtive glances followed.

To suit the action to the word, each scanned the other warily. Both knew better than to dislodge the tallowed quiescence which teetered precariously.

She repaid the receptive caprice by answering grace and dignity on her part - the meander of her trail fell away from The Figure.

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Light Gr@ffiti.

Like it? Here's more. =)

Note : Apologies for the constant substitution of @ in place of the vowel 'a'.
It's to prevent strangers from stumbling upon my blog from varying search engines.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Be Happy! =)

Dear God,

Thank You. =)

Everything's been wonderful and the cogwheels are in motion.

Today, I've been really Happy.

And I do hope that Happiness stays with Mich for a long, long while instead of appearing in sporadic bursts.

Being Loved is indeed the sweetest gift of all. =)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Would You Pay $1288 For Buddha Jumps Over The Wall?

Rationale would have you shaking your head rather increduously, wouldn't it?

That is, if you're not Donald Trump and his ilk of similar standing.

The gasp-inducing price tag of Buddha Jumps Over The Wall can be found at Spring JuChunYuan. (For the uninitiated, please refrain from insisting that it's Spring Court, or Yong Chun Yuan, for that matter. The latter is on a different scale altogether. )

$285 for a table of 3 brandished individual servings of the following :
  • Buddha Jumps Over The Wall (worth every dime)
  • Cold Dish
  • Cod Fish with Kai Lan
  • Broccoli with Mushrooms
  • Noodles
  • Pretty Twirls of Yam Paste (aka Orh-Nee)
  • Specially concocted Dessert

Being the only customers within those parameters meant that the attention of 3 waitresses was riveted on us. There was nary a soul at the posh restaurant as we indulged in Chinese fine dining for 2.5 hours.

That said,
Happy Birthday, Mummy! =)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Insouciantly Mich.

Start - 2 pm
  • Fullerton lunch with Vern, Diana & Hao. 36 is our newfangled numeral. Why? Er....We'd actually walloped 36 steamer baskets worth of dim sum. Had charges been tagged ala carte, our culinary jaunt would have been earmarked a rather implausible $400!
  • Diana baked yummy muffins for us.
  • Gallivanted across the literary prairie of Borders (Wheelock Place).
  • Inadvertently coverged at Parkway Parade with Marie & Jia.
  • Roved in Marie's car to East Coast.
  • Home with The Man.
End - 1.30 am
If only such happiness were brandished daily.

What a treat that would be. =)

Sunday, September 13, 2009




In which direction does your curve meander?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Give Me Some Bubbly.

Before 2005, I was very Happy.

I've always been cheerful and spritely.

You'll always hear me laugh when I'm with friends.

It's 2009.

And I want that bubbly Mich with the sparkle in her eyes to return.

I don't like the griping Mich that is creeping now.

Not one single bit.

Perhaps I....

  • pile on the palatables to fill the void within?
  • drench myself in kaleidoscopic hues to mask the drab?
  • clad myself to the nines to conceal the tatters?
  • smile to shroud the trickles?
  • ramble to drown the abyss?

Perhaps I....

Am hushed into silence now.

A Grave Matter.

I'll be 30.

How does one restart Life when you're halfway into the grave?

You can't?

Oh well, then let's just hasten the process, shall we?

To the grave, that is.

It's a very grave matter indeed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Alone, one is

Lonely, vulnerable.

And so, wishes for Someone.


Teardrops fall.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Unanswered Prayers.

Faith, being an arbitrary abstract, is difficult to gestate, let alone grasp. It's not easy to take the lexicalized concept by its horns and trust God.

I should know. Recent years have been trying and have drained me considerably.

That which plagues me is Unspoken & Unknown. Pride prevents me from divulging my stirring abyss. And so, repression runs its course and strangled silence ripples on the surface.

Yes, there were moments when I was on the brink of throwing in the towel. Rapidly, tears indunated this ventricle and yet strangely, were insufficient to fill perforated apertures.

Faith kept me going.

It still does.

And someday, somehow, it'll assuage the anguish.

Despair is a sin -

This I know, now.

Unanswered Prayers

An explanation we often hear for “unanswered” prayers is that we don’t have enough faith. But Jesus said in Luke 17:6 that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can command a mulberry tree to be uprooted and planted in the sea and it will obey us. In other words, the effectiveness of our prayers depends not on how much faith we have but on whether we even have faith.

Luke tells of a Roman centurion with “great faith” (Luke 7:9). His faith was expressed first as an appeal to Jesus to heal his dying servant. Then it was expressed as an acknowledgment that Jesus could heal his servant anytime, anywhere. The centurion did not ask Jesus to do things his way.

Faith has been described as “trusting God’s heart and trusting God’s power.” Some prayers that seem to go unanswered are simply instances in which God has lovingly overruled our wishes. He knows that what we have asked for is not best. Or it may be that our timing is not His timing, or He has some far greater purpose in mind. Let us remember, even Jesus prayed to His heavenly Father, “Nevertheless not My will, but Yours” (Luke 22:42).

Do we have the centurion’s great faith—a faith that trusts God to do His work, in His way? — C. P. Hia

Source : Our Daily Bread

Friday, September 04, 2009

Like Me.

Like me,
On broken twigs
Under the tree.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

My Persona

I'll admit it.

My persona on Facebook is a facade.

Forgive me for the incessant comments, constant postings and chirpy quips.

I'm still Me.

Pensive, brooding, lil Me.

And within these literary parameters lies my safe lil haven.

To be shared only with The Trusted. =)

Good Morning, Vietnam!

25 Aug- 30 Aug

Hotel : Rex Hotel (the colonial equivalent of Fullerton Hotel in Singapore)

Location : Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City (HCM)

Activities : Completed the quintessential sightseeing, venturing, clubbing, chomping and snapping.

Others in Vietnam : Daniel in Da Nang. The arrival of his crew was reported in Vietnam News.

Strange Happenings in Hotel : Three inexplicable (supernatural?) incidents. Awaiting reply from said hotel.

What I liked : Rich culture, fabulous pho, viet iced coffee (Daniel would surely agree with me on this!), fascinating history, communist memorabilia, admirable determination of the Viet Congs.

What I didn't like : Erm...see 'Strange Happenings'

Pictures : Plenty. Procrastination in progress due to lack of courage in uploading certain pictures to my computer because of, get my drift.