What I Need :
• Stability
• A Big Hug
It's not about the Audi coupe.
It's not about the prime district abode.
It's not about the money.
I'm not rich.
It'll be silly to think so when juxtaposed against peers from influential families (R's dad is the CEO of K_____; M's dad is best buds with a local billionaire),
Or those who have earned their own keep (AG has multiple properties, a new business aside from her day job & drives a Mercedes cabriolet),
Or those who have married into wealth (T is my best friend since childhood & is a Tai-Tai who is clad in the loins of Dior & Chanel while toting an Hermes bag that matches her outfit of the day. For the uninitiated, an Hermes bag easily costs $20,000 or more),
Or a blessed amalgamation of
both. (A is the head of ____, drives a Ferrari & lives at ___ Cove. Her husband is the CEO / Chairman of numerous companies that cannot be named here for obvious reasons).
That's just to name a few of my close friends, all of whom I've known since childhood or adolescence.
I'm not materialistic nor a money-grubber.
I've had a friend who lived in a rental flat and I had no qualms about sitting on the dusty floor because the family could not afford to buy a sofa. I would frequently lug brand new clothes to her home & smile as she squealed in delight at the bag of new clothes.)
The table's dirty? Not a problem. Wet tissues will soon take care of it.
You see, I'm not a snob, though I can understand how misconstrued perceptions are forged.
I've a soft spot for the poor, elderly and children. I try to do my best within my sphere of influence as an educator and beyond.
No, no, no.
Money is a bonus, not a prerequisite.
At the end of the day,
All that matters
Is an Anchor to plant me firmly to the ocean bed,
Without the danger of drifting away at the whim of the tides,
And a Big Hug.
Yes, You could have little but all You need is to be laden with loads of warm Hugs.
That would suffice.
But until I can ascertain that the Anchor is in place and not simply bobbing along the surface, I'll refrain from taking the leap.
You see, Mich cannot swim so she has to be real cautious lest she drowns in the deep end.
Isn't Mich real silly?
- HuG -