You are with me. You, who were there with me when I was teething. You, who were there to catch me when I fell. You, who brought a smile to my face. You, who brought tears to my eyes. Through the years, on the cobbled roads, You have changed. Many who had sought to take your place have constantly replaced You. You changed as the landscapes did. You taught me how to love, hate, hope, fear, guffaw and tear. You taught me lessons in life. You ventured into my world. You slipped from my feeble grasp..
My metamorphosis was sculpted in Your vision. You held me for a fleeting moment and traced transience with Your fingers. With You, there was a feline solitude reminiscent of splattered ardour. Carelessly, You slipped Your hand away from mine, brushing dismissively the ominous path.
You are a façade masked in reality. I’ve known You all my life, yet You are a detached stranger. Your presence is known but You’re distant. You are a companion but not a friend.
Who are You? I do not know.
You are the man in the street, the smiling aunt with a generous heart, the former paramour, the stranger on the train, the newfound acquaintance, the colleague in the concrete jungle, the deceased shrouded in the mortuary, the giggling schoolgirl.
You are everywhere. Each individual You has deposited a memory in my life.
Somewhere, somehow, I have met You.
Your indelible imprint do I cherish.