Augmentations of the Auditory Kind.
Confiding intimacy with pilfering caresses of the emotions, Josh Woodward has disbursed so munificently a plethora of free and legal downloads on his website. (Yes, all his albums and lyrics are generously available!)
Acoustics and piano sets calculate on the shades of Lifehouse, Jason Mraz and Jack Johnson. However, Josh Woodward has yet to bear the rosy harvests of his predecessors and remains a reclusive unknown.
Give this one a listen.
A liberal faculty of mind may just tip you over! =)
Ships (MP3)
The tide is on the brink of extinction
The sky is on the verge of collapse
The birds and the trees all are falling like leaves
The memories are floating away
The cabins on the shore are abandoned
The streets are just a river of dust
The ships on the bay all go sailing away
And they won't be back here again